Here's our new "Shabbat Kettle," courtesy of old friends
Just before the High Holidays, some old friends of ours offered to pick us up and drive us to Kew Gardens Hills, an area of Queens with a large Orthodox population, so that all of us could stuff our faces with falafel (at the outdoor seating area) and my husband and I could clean out a kosher supermarket. While we were there, we walked down the block and ordered kosher Chinese take-out for dinner, and while we were waiting for our take-out, we checked out a local appliance store. Here's what we went home with, along with a ton of kosher meat and some take-out:
After all these months, we finally found a replacement for our hot-water urn!
And the "use" instructions are right on the front label:
It's so nice to be able to have hot tea and coffee on Shabbat (Sabbath) again! We may not be as traditional about turning electrical appliances on and off on Shabbat as we used to be, but we do try to draw the line at cooking on Shabbat.
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